Campata sinistra 2

The second span is dedicated to St. Stephan protomartyr: St. Stephan is depicted in relief and half-length in the keystone.

The marble altar-piece was carved by Tommaso Rodari in 1493 , it was commissioned by canon Ludovico Muralto. His patron saint Ludovico, bishop of Toulouse, is depicted on the right, in the middle is the Virgin with Child Jesus, on the left St. Stephan. Lower, in the predella, there is Christ in the middle between the Fathers of the Church: Above, in the cymatium, st. Thomas the apostle has just received the belt from Mary who is depicted at the top, as the Lady of the Assumption among angels.

The stained-glass window is the latest (1995) , a gift of the association La Stecca, planned by the abstract painter Luigi Veronesi from Milan. It depicts the Blessed Andrea Ferrari, once Bishop of Como, then Archbishop of Milan, who is inspired by Faith (the white disk) and by Charity (the yellow disk)

The marble frame of the window presents busts of prophets in the splay, candelabras on the abutment, clipei with male features in the pendentives and a woman’s bust in the tympanum.

At the sides of the altar there are the bust of Bishop Carlo Rovelli , on the left, anmd of the Pope of Como Innocenzo XI Odescalchi . The bust of the Pope is by Paolo Morelli (17th century), that of the bishop and the “winged virgins” supporting either busts are a work of Luigi Agliati (1856).

The tapestry depicts the Harvesting of the manna. It was realized in Florence on cartoon by Alessandro Allori (1596) for the Compagnia del Ss. Sacramento.

Serious problems of dampness due to the nearby palace of Broletto damaged the marble of the altar. The altar front was set in 1906: architect Federico Frigerio and stonecutter Roberto Franchini. The wall has been several times restored , with the arch painted in blue. The position of angels is not original.


Gravi problemi di umidità provocata dal vicino palazzo del Broletto hanno danneggiato il marmo dell’altare. Il paliotto è una sistemazione del 1906: architetto Federico Frigerio, marmista Roberto Franchini. La parete è stata più volte risanata, con l’arcata dipinta in azzurro. La disposizione degli angeli non è quella originale.